Alternatives Analysis Update
In 2013, the Red Rock Corridor Commission began a nine month study to update the five year old alternatives analysis completed in 2007. The Alternatives Analysis Update allowed the Commission to reassess the goals for the Corridor and the long and short term options to increase access to transit along the corridor. Although commuter rail was identified as the long term transit vision in 2007, many changes have occurred in the region since then, and it is important to consider how those changes in travel patterns, costs, and population may affect the project decisions made initially. The updated study was a step toward incorporating the plans into the Metropolitan Council’s long-range vision and seeking funding to implement additional transit service in the Corridor.
Based on technical information, current land use and growth projections, and the goals and objectives evaluation from the AAU, it has been concluded that BRT is the alternative that is best aligned with the Red Rock Corridor Commission’s approved objectives. This conclusion was made in consultation with representatives on the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and presented to the public in a variety of forums and media.
Central to this conclusion was public input regarding the need for all-day transit service in the Corridor to key regional destinations as well as between station areas throughout the Corridor. Nonetheless, this conclusion also takes into consideration the potential need for additional peak-period transit capacity improvements as the population base continues to grow throughout the Corridor. In moving forward with the development of BRT, the Red Rock Corridor Commission will pursue a staged implementation plan. In conjunction with the actions and improvements in each of the three stages, there are other broad and
ongoing strategies that will be pursued by the Red Rock Corridor Commission. They are:
- Advocate for integrated multi-modal investments including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, rail, freight, highway and transit improvements that support mobility throughout the Red Rock Corridor.
- Advocate for funding for mobility improvements along the corridor. This includes advocating for sustainable local and regional funding sources, as well as supporting and applying for funding at the Federal level.
- Continue to monitor peak period capacity needs in the corridor to determine the timing for implementation of additional transit services, alternative modes, or capital improvements.
The Implementation Plan will build off these recommendations.
Study Materials
- Final Plan Comments
- Final AAU Plan
- AAU Summary Handout
- Background Review Memo
- Vehicle Technologies Memo
- Operating and Maintenance Cost Memo
- Capital Cost Memo
- Ridership Evaluation Memo
- Evaluation of Alternatives Memo
- Public Involvement Documentation
- Problem Statement, Goals and Objectives
- Transit Alternative Maps