This work is being updated as part of the Implementation Plan in order to assess the market driven potential for development based on bus rapid transit. The Station Planning process began in late 2009. Extensive analysis was completed on existing land use, environmental systems, traffic and roadways, infrastructure, economic development opportunities, railroad systems, community context and the local regulatory environment.
The Station Planning Area Study started with an extensive public participation process that engaged local residents, civic and community organizations, businesses and commuters. Through a series of focus groups, town hall meetings, open houses and visioning sessions, concerned citizens were able to provide critical feedback and suggestions in station designs.
At the outset, focus groups and visioning sessions were used to engage the general public in each host community. The goal was to seek qualified input into station area planning principles, station access, opportunities and constraints, and short and long term goals.
Preliminary concept plans were presented in early-2010 for public review and comment. In mid-2010, revised concept plans were presented to the public during a second round of open houses in each community. The consultant team then began to determine estimated construction costs, which included forecasting costs for track modification, station and platform construction, parking facilities and upgrades to existing infrastructure.
By spring 2011, revised station plans, along with renderings and animations of the stations and proposed surrounding development, were finalized and presented to each community as well as at a final open house.
The design of transit stations will be guided by the following general principles:
- Use transit to shape the growth of activity centers and community nodes
- Create a compact mix of land uses that support and benefit from transit service
- Place highest intensity development nearest to the transit station
- Provide direct access routes to the transit station areas
- Design the transit station areas as civic amenities
These general principles were used by each community to create a unique set of Guiding Principles that supported the vision for each station area and became the touchstone to test planning and design ideas against as they were developed and refined.